Academic Intervention Services (AIS)

Mrs. Jennifer Dutcher - AIS LTA

Ms. Dana Jones - AIS LTA
Send your comments and suggestions to:
Mrs. Michelle Dibble
Phone: 607 286-7721
Fax: 607 286-7879
Mail: Milford Central School
42 West Main St
Milford, NY 13807
If you would like to be on our parent advisory committee, email me at the address above. We would appreciate parent input about all of our AIS programs.
If at any time you have a grievance about any of our programs please email or call with your concerns. Please include details about your concern, the date of your concern and suggestions about resolution. Send your grievance to Kristen Shearer, Superintendent or call 286-3341.
Please note: Parents have the right to request information regarding the qualifications of their child's teachers and whether or not their child is provided services by a paraprofessional (teaching assistant).