Welcome Parents!
Homework and grades
Our student management system is now SchoolTool. If Parent/Guardian/PIPRs are concerned that they do not have an email on file with the school and would like access to the parent portal or that their email is duplicated or incorrect on file with the school, please contact the guidance office. There are many enhancements to this system including a mobile app which is available in the Apple app store and the Google play store. Directions for the Mobile App are below. The School Tool Parent Portal includes student grades, schedules, attendance, progress, and demographic information in a friendly easy to use format. We hope that the access to this information will increase communication between school and home. The Portal will be accessible through the District Website or the Mobile App.
School Tool
Milford Central School uses SchoolTool as their student management system. If you notice anything that is incorrect or needs to be changed, please notify the Guidance Office at 607-286-7710 or email, Nicole Couse. Please be aware that you may receive emails from no reply, this will be the school emailing you directly from the student database.
Directions to access the SchoolTool Mobile App: